Lumecca IPL Photofacial

IPL photo facial post-treatment | Brooklyn, NY & Aventura, FL | Beauty Injector NYC

Lumecca IPL Photofacial

Lumecca offers the most powerful intensity-pulsed light (IPL) treatment available for pigmented and vascular lesions on the skin. Lumecca IPL Photofacial treatments target pigmented brown and red spots on the skin, restoring your body’s natural pigments. By delivering a comfortable light treatment, Lumecca provides a photofacial using photothermolysis to restore and revitalize the skin.

The effects of Lumecca can be seen after just 1-3 sessions. Some of the benefits of Lumecca treatments are:

Areas of the body we treat:

Beauty Injector NYC in Brooklyn, NY, offers comprehensive Lumecca IPL Photofacial treatments to reduce the effects of age spots, sun damage, vascular lesions, rosacea, and freckles and help you achieve younger, clearer, more radiant skin.

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One month before treatment, avoid direct or excessive sun exposure.

The skin should be red and slightly warm after treatment, which should disappear within an hour. Pigmented lesions may darken over the next 24-48 hours; in the week afterward, pigmented lesions flake off, evening out the skin tone. Vein blanching and disappearance after treatment of vascular lesions or a change in color in the vessel may occur.

Your skin worries can be effectively eliminated with IPL Photofacial, a painless cosmetic treatment. As there is no downtime, it won’t interfere with your daily routine. The results will make your skin appear smoother, younger, and healthier.

In terms of light-based cosmetic treatments, IPL Photofacials are considered one of the safest. Aside from being highly effective, the treatment is also relatively painless. After the Photofacial, any mild external side effects should disappear within a few hours or days.

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